Ultraviolet laser marking changes the traditional scale printing method
Aug 10 , 2022Ultraviolet laser marking changes the traditional scale printing method
I believe many people are familiar with "screen printing ink". The tape measure and measuring cup used in the 1990s were marked with silk screen ink. The traditional method of printing scales often has low accuracy, low production efficiency, and the scale numbers are easy to fade. The emergence of the laser marking machine has changed the way of scale printing in this restaurant. The laser marking machine can achieve very precise laser marking, which is not only accurate, but also extremely efficient. Laser UV laser marking machine is mainly for metal and non-metal processing.
UV laser marking machine equipment
Laser marking machine scale method introduction:
Laser is different from traditional printing. The scale is not printed, but a process similar to "etching" using an instantaneous high-energy laser beam, so the printed scale can be stored for a long time and is not easy to fade.
In the face of today's increasingly precise measurement requirements, the laser UV laser marking machine has completed precise marking while having a very small volume. Because the integration of the laser is very high, the installation and use are very simple, no need to make a large optical path, and it is easy to use without pressure.
Product scale chart
Laser UV laser marking machine scale advantages:
1. In terms of marking related to scientific utensils, intensive reading requirements are very high. Shangtuo UV laser marking machine has very good laser quality and can have ultra-high precision of ±0.02mm.
2. In addition to the advantages of excellent precision and small size, the fully digital operation mode also allows Suntop S9 series to precisely adjust the laser working environment.
3. Through the RS232 external controller, it can communicate with the computer remotely, adjust and monitor the laser power and other parameters in real time, so as to achieve perfect control.