355nm nanosecond UV laser uses for high-definition coding on food packaging bags production date
Jun 16 , 2021355nm nanosecond UV laser uses for high-definition coding on food packaging bags production date without any pollution.
3W5W UV laser can reach 0.2mm for coding characters on the production date of food packaging bags
This week, RFH received a customer from Tianjin and purchased the nanosecond UV laser for marking food packaging bags.
As we all know, by using the characteristic of UV laser marking, it is not easy to be erased. So the production date, barcode and other information marked on the packaging bag of each kind of food can achieve a very excellent anti-counterfeiting effect when the production leave the factory.
Ultraviolet lasers are cold light sources and are known as the mother of plastic marking. Neither CO2 nor fiber lasers can compare with them. The ultraviolet laser has a wavelength of 355nm, and its small wavelength determines its high beam quality and small spot. In addition to high-speed plastic marking, it can also achieve the ultra-fine marking requirements of glass products. Its small characters can reach 0.2mm.