355nm nanosecond ultraviolet laser deals with the food packaging safety issues
Jun 07 , 2021355nm nanosecond ultraviolet laser deals with the food packaging safety issues
RFH UV laser marking food packaging film production date with high-definition, anti-counterfeiting, high efficiency, using high-speed non-stop UV laser coding, can operate continuously and stably for 24 hours; it is also an environmentally friendly high-tech product, which does not cause damage to the human body and produce the environment hazardous substances. It has the characteristic of low cost, free maintenance, and zero consumables.
Food packaging bag customers actually see these advantages of RFH UV lasers, and then decisively choose to reinvest in the production method, and the facts have also proved the success of their choices.
uv laser | green laser | Ultraviolet lasers | uv dpss laser | nanosecond laser | UV laser source | Solid State Lasers