3W,5W,10W uv laser

How to identify the fault cause of high frequency pulsing solid state laser

Jun 22 , 2022

How to identify the fault cause of high frequency pulsing solid state laser


When all the machines are faulty, today we will talk about the faults that may be encountered during the use of the UV laser marking machine. There are many reasons for the failure of the UV laser marking machine. It may be due to improper selection of the laser, or the main board, circuit board, power supply or control line link cooling water circulation system has failed, then how to identify the failure of the UV laser marking machine The reason, let's see how to solve it.


UV laser marking machine


1. Pull the control line of the laser marking machine to see if there is a loose control line and whether the connection is reliable.


2. Check whether the laser is used correctly in the parameter setting. The main reason is the continuous lighting failure.


3. If the shot is normal, it means there is no power failure. On the contrary, the shooting point is abnormal, that is, the power failure.


4. Remove the control line in the power supply line, click the click button of the laser power supply, and analyze the failure caused by the power supply or the motherboard.

uv laser | green laser | Ultraviolet lasers | uv dpss laser | nanosecond laser | UV laser source | Solid State Lasers

5. When the power supply is normal, connect the control line, measure the switch control pins on the terminal board with a multimeter, no lights, the normal voltage is greater than 4 volts, less than 3 volts, the main board output is abnormal; when the light is on, the pin voltage should be lower than 2 volts, the abnormal output should be above 2.5 volts.


After the investigation of the above points, the cause of the failure of the UV laser marking machine can be basically determined. After the cause of the failure is clarified, the problem can be solved to ensure the normal and efficient operation of the UV laser marking machine.

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